Double and Triple equal operators in PHP

Even if you're a seasoned programmer, you may not have seen triple equals operator in most programming languages. In PHP, the triple equals (===) operator was introduced in version 4 and it checks for equality similar to the double equals (==) operator but also checks the type of variable. Here are the differences between single, double, and triple equals operators.

Where is php.ini file located?

When you are working with various flavors of Linux servers, you may not know where the php.ini file is located. The php.ini file is a PHP configuration file that is used to customize the behaviors and features of the PHP scripting language. A php.ini file is placed in different directory locations of a server depending on the flavor and version of the Linux server you're working with.

How to name a Facebook fan page?

Setting up a business page under your Facebook account is an integral part of building traffic to your "business" website. Facebook allows a business to set up a vanity URL (or username), such as, but it seems to be a mystery for many and it isn't clear how to claim your business username.

My serial printer doesn't work. What shall I do?

The choice between a serial printer, parallel printer, or USB printer depends on various factors such as the specific requirements of the application, the type of data to be printed, and the available technology. Here are some considerations that might influence the preference for a serial printer over parallel or USB printers.

TCP Sweep: What is causing it?

Running a company as a reseller web host, you'll often receive an email from your upstream provider reporting security violations. If you do not correct the problem promptly, your upstream provider may block inbound and outbound traffic from the affected server.

Copy and Paste Word document to HTML form

Many users without computer knowledge copy contents from a Word document, paste them into an HTML form () and expect to retain formatting as well as special characters such as smart quotes and emdashes. When copying and pasting content from a Word document to an HTML form, it's important to be aware that Word documents often contain formatting and styles that may not directly translate to HTML.

Oracle Import and Export: how to use it?

The Oracle export (exp) and import (imp) utilities are used to perform logical database backup and recovery, which allow you to write data into an operating system file and read it back into the Oracle database. They are also used to move Oracle schema and data from one machine to another, or one database to another.